Why Is Your Gift So Important?
It takes a lot of money to produce and distribute all of this vital news, information, and cultural programming.
Counting heavily on public and foundation funding (or any huge single source) in a climate where non-profits are clamoring for a smaller allotment is not—pardon the pun—sound policy.
There is no such thing as a circle of one. To provide such a vital service, we need everyone who believes in our mission to join the circle of support. Why? Your individual gift, combined with others, helps us to continue to provide information not readily available in mainstream media, preserve traditions while using up-to-date technology, and increase cross-cultural understanding.
With you in the circle, we can fulfill this mission with a vision that is strong and a voice that is free. For that, you have our deep and sincere appreciation.
Join the circle— If you wish to support our programming with a tax-deductible financial gift, please contact:
Clifton Chadwick, Resource Development Specialist (cchadwick@koahnic.org)
Jaclyn Sallee, President and CEO (jsallee@knba.org)