This series is in partnership with the Associated Press with support from the Pulitzer Center and the Fund for Investigative Journalism
Even after the initial trauma, invasive medical exams, and difficult police questioning, a woman in Nome who reports sexual assault must also confront the likelihood her complaint will go nowhere. She may never learn the fate of her case in the law enforcement system. National Native News takes a look at the climate of fear, mistrust and despair that arises when perpetrators don’t face any consequences. A group of mostly Alaska Native women have been working for years to change the narrative coming from a mostly male, non-Native government and legal structure.
For years, Nome sexual assault reports go unanswered
Community outrage has forced city and police leaders from office and new leaders promise a new era of trust and transparency. But the promise of reform faces a skeptical public, especially among Nome’s Alaska Native residents who say they encounter indifference from an overwhelmingly non-Native power structure.
In Nome, a legacy of mistrust, outsiders promise change
Even with new officers and a renewed public outreach effort, Nome’s new police chief has an uphill battle convincing a skeptical public that has a long memory about the department’s troubled history that includes murder, physical assault and inaction.
‘We are all we have’: Nome sexual assault survivors find their collective strength
Fed up with inaction, a group of Nome residents–mostly Alaska Native women–chart a path for accountability from city leaders and law enforcement. Progress is slow, but their gaining some victories.
Sexual assault is a crime regardless of the color of the victim’s skin! It is the job of law enforcement to solve these crimes as if they happened to one of their own wives, children, sisters etc. There is no excuse for singling out Native women as less than human and undeserving of justice!!!!!!
Yea this guy Harvey obviously doesn’t have children, or a wife or a mother!!!
I can’t find words to describe my disgust for the non native men in this article (especially Jesuit clergy)! Do they think they will never pay for their sins against others?? Real justice awaits them! “Whatsoever you do unto the least of these you do also unto me”…quote directly from Jesus Christ! My love and prayers are for the victims of this outrageous injustice. Please know the Lord is with you. Do not allow your perpetrators to take one more moment of your hearts or thoughts. You are created by God to be happy and free. Find forgiveness in your hearts and reclaim your God given right to inner peace and happiness. The best revenge is living your life well. Do not allow these jerks to make you a victim for even one more day! God bless you and keep you safe. All my love to the victims and their families. Eternal justice will prevail! XOXO
First of all, that Alaskan Native People are very precious to God.
He calls them rare & precious jewels. Only He understands how hard it has been to survive in the rural Alaska conditions for so many centuries. These people are very strong, brave, & incredibly tough.
The white outsiders come & go. It is a different world to them. One Native woman is tougher than three white men combined. They are taken back. Who are these people? How can they be so tough?
You woman don’t deserve what has happened.
Bring that toughness into your town & take over.
You run for police job yourself! You are smart!
You could kill a bear, & skin it nicely, save the claws, hide & maybe make some stew!
What is there that you can’t do? You know this!!!
you would make a fantastic police force. Go get cleet training in Anchorage & get that badge yourself!
You are very capable.
You deserve the best!
Love to you beautiful people of Nome!
Don’t let ‘Gussuck peoples’
steal your Dignity or your Way of life. Start over…
Also there is woman’s berry picking camp at Kako.
You could go!
The Penzes love you.
Don ‘t these individuals have a right to pursue civily? So, is there a way to hire a detective/lawyer duo to build the cases the police will not pursue? My heart goes out to these folks!!! Being retired from the military, and being a female, I have often been frustrated with a system that does not pursue, or hold accountable, perpetrators…I know it’s difficult to prove…remembering that predators are very intentional and practiced in avoiding consequences…but they are not bullet proof!!! Especially in light of repeat offenders…which I have no doubt is a measurable factor…especially if they would process those kits and identify the serial rapists…I work with folks with MST (military sexual trauma) using a technique called EFT (emotional freedom technique) or tapping…I would be happy to offer my services at no charge…even better if there were a handful of folks with the support groups who would be willing to learn the technique to assist in their areas…This could easily be done via facetime/skype/whats app…here’s my email……please get in touch…there’s lots we can do to support the victims, so that they don’t ‘give up’ or become further victimized until they get justice…there is so much stress involved in these situations and I would hate to see these individuals suffer on levels that are not visible to the world, but very much effect their quality of life…
Man’s inhumanity to man belies the reality of an advanced civility within even the last 2019 years AD.. No other living organism preys upon half of its species just for fun and thrills, Sophistication should be more than just knowledge, affluence and
status. The tragic stories on the treatment and disregard of women from NOME Alaska, is embarrassing.
My comment here is more to the perpetrators of these dastardly
deeds. Is your 2 minutes of fun equal to the lifetime of agony your 2 minutes causes?
We need harsher consequence for those who perpetuate sexual crimes. Someone who is raped, no matter how resilient, will always be affected by that crime. Why should the victim have a lifetime of consequence while the rapist or sex offender does maybe a year of prison time (if even convicted)?
Rapists and other sex offenders have high rates of re-offense and they have a very low rate of successful rehabilitation. The needs that prompt sex crimes don’t often go away; they get stronger.. We gamble with the safety of our population whenever one of these criminals is released.
It’s time for longer prison sentences for sexual crimes. I propose a 50 year required minimium; each imprisoned offender would represent 50 years of safety for at least one person. Totally worth it.
How about it, lawmakers of Alaska? We’ve been surviving these assaults on our bodies and souls. Can you stand up in a discussion about them and be strong enough to make change?